Growing old disgracefully



We went to a funeral today.  I didn't know the lady well, but I liked and admired her.  She sat next to me at dinner just four weeks ago and was full of joy, colour and plans for the future.  She was a music teacher and the service was enhanced by talented musical tributes.  Meanwhile us lesser mortals were encouraged to 'gie it laldie' * as we sang the hymns. And so we did. 

The colours have been outstanding this year as the warm summer and autumn have allowed the trees to concentrate their accumulations of sugar. Our time here is limited, so it's worth letting all that accumulated sweetness glow out of us and 'gie it ladle'.  Or, as in the Mary Oliver poem I read to the class tonight, 'What will you do with your one wild and precious life?' 

* Scot's expression meaning do it to your utmost. 

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