"Dullest & most stupid spot?"

The changing face of Chelmsford.
On the 7th April 2014 I posted the photo I have as an the extra blip today. (Sorry to all you blip purists but I still haven't got the facility to post links so this was the best I could do). Today's photo is taken from as near as I could get to that taken on the 7th April. Times are a-changing! And here's a reminder of Chelmsford City:

- It was named in 2010 as the country's happiest place to live
- We have a population of 160,000
- This is the birthplace of radio with the first broadcast from Chelmsford on June 15, 1920
- We are home to the second smallest cathedral in England
- Chelmsford was once the capital of England (for all of 6 days, 600 years ago)
- Charles Dickens described Chelmsford as "the dullest and most stupid spot on the face of the earth"
Times are a-changing.

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