Illogical thoughts?

There’s something completely illogical about the way I have been spending my time the past few days.
While out and about each day I have my eye constantly tuned to likely Blipfotos and inevitably this time of year it is the changing shades of autumn that catches my eye.  On each turn, it seems, there is something new I want to capture.
Till I get home and am faced  with another fall of leaves from those dreaded oak trees.. So while I spend daytime hours admiring all those colours and the beauty of autumn, by late afternoon, I am cursing each and everyone of those leaves that have changed colour, and then decided to fall on my driveway, or on the grass.
Early this evening I could not even see the surface of the drive, the leaves were so thick. Yet earlier I had gone out of my way to find a different route home from the supermarket — simply because I knew that when the sun is shining, a particular tree lined country road from town is going to catch just the right atmosphere to picture autumn

I was not disappointed!

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