
By FlyingPRGal

Pippa's Tea Rooms

Introducing the charms of my village to a friend today made me appreciate it all the more. We whiled away a couple of hours with a spot of shopping and a good ol' chinwag to Imogen in the handbag shop, a browse at some new Kentish wines in the wine store and lunch at the tea rooms.

I love the 14th century slightly crooked building, one of Kent's oldest buildings, which houses the tea rooms, handbag shop, barber's and charity shop as well as an antique store in the attic rooms.

Apparently the rocking horse on the outside of the building was found abandoned in the attic a few years' ago.

I love the eccentricity of a rocking horse on the building. I imagine there are a few stories around its history. I must ask the antique store owner next time.

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