Derelict Sunday - Broken fence

This image is a bit unfair. 

We were at State Flora in the Belair NP, and this would be the only part in the entire place that looks even vaguely derelict.  I would love to have a native garden like the one they have.  It's wonderful.  Masses of birds and flying critters.  I could spend all day there.

A very busy afternoon in our own garden - I have been growing a honeysuckle against a fence for the last umpteen years, and the weight of it is breaking the whole fence down.  And I've just discovered that Lonicera japonica is a declared weed.  The trouble with my garden is that the plants either die, or turn into triffids, and this is definitely a triffid, even though the honey eaters love it.

It's got to go. 

Luckily the Rower agrees with me, but by golly, it's going to be a job.  Once it's all cut down, I'll have to get in there with blackberry poison and paint the cut stems - some of which are as thick as my wrist.  And my wrists are quite substantial.  We've cut it back before, but it's never been as rampant as this.

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