Ticking away the moments ...

that make up a dull day - 'Time' by Pink Floyd   - for Mono Monday hosted by GoranZebhur, with thanks to him for hosting a musical mono month of Mondays.

Today is not a dull day for me, more one of those days I'll have to get through. This past reunion weekend was great but it was also very emotional, I had to tell my friends about my health situation and bleak future and not break down completely and  last night and today that means I'm a bit of a wreck. It will pass, I know.  Just hope I haven't wrecked their memory of a good time together either.

It does mean the Time song does get a bit of an extra meaning today, maybe to not 'fritter away the hours in an off-hand way'! I'll give it my best try.Thanks very much for your comments and stars on yesterday's misty Blip. I'm switching off comments for today, hope you don't mind.

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