
The rain had given way to a damp mist by this morning. HH wanted to play some golf and I originally intended to plutter round at home before joining him for a snack at the club and heading back down to Rio. However, his eyesight is none too good and the thought of him driving a borrowed cart up and down the wet, narrow tracks, let alone being able to follow the ball convinced me that I had better go with. So I car-walked the dogs, packed up the car (it’s like a mini house move every time) and we eventually reached the club well after 11. We managed seven holes before stopping for a couple of Valerio’s tasty steaks, but didn’t set out for Rio till 2.45 pm.
This baby posed beautifully for me when I was out with the dogs – so young he still hasn’t grown his emerald and blue feathers and doesn’t know enough to be shy of humans.
It took us forever to get down the hill, as police had closed the road near the first toll while they tried to clear away protesters. The first part of the journey took 2 ¾ hours, but when we eventually got through, the last part was quick and the traffic jams we expected, due to the public holiday, didn’t materialise. I still heaved a sigh of relief when we got home safely. I only had the energy to read the paper and put together a light supper before crashing into bed – which is why I’m posting this a day late.

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