
By MamaOfBoys


We joined Kanye and Marley up to the sunshine football club which are similar to star jam in that they run soccer training and a game for kids with special needs.

We weren't sure how they'd be but Marley really took to it and absolutely loved it.

He and Kanye kicked a ball around and then had some help from a coach on how tot stop the ball and start kicking again. Marley followed instructions perfectly , listening to his coach.

Its run by volunteers. A few ladies do the organisational part and the bibs etc while there are a few men who play soccer and then some teenage boys who help coach the kids. I think its so heartwarming all these people give up their time to let kids like mine have a chance to be normal without us having to explain about their situation.

Kanye got tired pretty quickly after all the drills, Marley and Kanye are in the same training group along with some other kids. After doing some drills they have a game, so Marley is in the fireballs and Kanye is in the lasers.

Marley did really well playing the game scoring 2 goals while Kanye sort of walked around day dreaming and occasionally clapping his hands. 

There are 35 children who come each Saturday and its held at our local football park across the way from Marley's school.

It goes for an hour and a half and at the end they give out player of the day awards.

Its so great, we're really happy for this opportunity and that Marley seems to have found his thing! 

They were so tired after it so we wandered on home and go them some ice cream. 

Later on we went and got subway for dinner , we were all so tired i didn't feel like cooking and we were so proud of Marley we felt like a treat was in order.

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