
By Croft16

Selfie with Tanni..

Blip tells me it's a special day today. So I should do something different from the norm. I went round to K's knowing she had an old iron tyre from a cartwheel, and was going to borrow it and take a pic alongside my two and a gatepost to make a "1000". But I couldn't find it..

All sorts of other thought went through my head, but all were a bit too obscure.

So I thought, perhaps it's time to let you see ME. So here I am, camera set up on tripod with timer set at 10 secs. Just time to grab tanni..

You can always ignore me and look past to the view if you want, I hope I don't spoil it!!

Thanks to you all for support, and comments along the way, I feel I've made good friendships with quite a few of you (and some have even turned up at the door to buy vegetables!!). And thanks to Croftcrafts for introducing me to this mad world..

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