
By Peahen


I've had a few fragments of an idea swirling around for a few weeks now. The timing wasn't great - I'm currently up to my ears in Communications:Narrative, but couldn't get the thought of something that would might well in Still Life out of my head. I want to photograph the physical, tangible aspects of making and playing music. I want to show the shapes, the textures, the scales (pun intended). I want to give a historical context, to convey the idea that the music remains a constant even when the media used to create and communicate changes beyond imagination. I'm lucky enough to rehearse with two talented musicians in a rehearsal space that fills me with inspiration every week, today I took a few shots and the plan is to plan some more and take them next week.  I'd like to retake this one with the circle lined up better. There's a great one with a cassette tape too. I am happy and encouraged. Back to commenting very soon.

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