Remember, Remember.........

....ermm, I've forgotten, age I guess, though there does seem to be a lot of bangs, crackling and lights in the sky giving us a free view through the patio windows.

Apparently it's Abstract Thursday on blip today, nobody told me, I don't know where this information comes from, it used to Derilict Thursday but then that changed to Sunday,  no wonder I'm confused.

Anyway today's offering is neither abstract nor derelict, I just hope I won't be drummed out of the club! 

Another quiet day, apart from the fireworks, Dylan used to get very upset at the fireworks, running and barking at the window each time there was a bang, we do miss him sometimes.  Ann finished painting the spare room and I messed about doing absolutely nothing of any importance on the computer. After lunch we went in for our usual coffee, back to Nero today.  It was raining so although Ann walked in, I elected to use the car. I quite liked this scene, looking down on Stratford station, as I went to meet Ann.

Home then where I made a pasta bake for tea and we settled down to watch some tennis.

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