Happy Sparkler Day!!

Well, it is the 5th November so it just had to be done! Three years in a row now!! I couldn’t get my usual giant sparklers so slightly less sparkles than I would have liked…

The weather has been far from sparkly today though, dull and murky all day… So a wet bus journey into Bath to attend the first session of an Occupational Therapy course. I’ve done the course before but my specialist thought that revisiting the coping strategies from the course may help me to better manage my ME, an illness that we were cheerfully reminded was a long-term incurable chronic disease, a reminder I could have done without!! I’m not sure that I’ll learn anything new, but it’s always good to talk to others and share experiences and strategies, and realise that you’re not alone…

So Happy Sparkler Day to one and all, and I hope you were all out dancing around the garden with your sparklers this evening like me!! :)

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