
By Jakenicer

He Sleeps

Finally! Ted had his second operation today. I took him to Faversham for 8.30, spoke to the vet, who reassured me that he'd be fine and talked through exactly what he was going to do. I then got back in the car to drive to work. I stopped blubbing as I got past Canterbury.
Anyhow, I picked Ted up 6.30pm, had another long chat with the vet (he's really patient!) and he explained what he's done. He explained that Ted has had no pain at all but his leg is growing terribly deformed and that by having the surgeries just now, we are saving him from having to have an amputation when he's around 2 years old.
He's doing really well. He's a wee trooper but he is miserable in his cone. I bought an inflatable collar today and he had that on first but unfortunately he could reach his wound so, it's back to the cone. He's such a beautiful, kind, resilient boy x

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