
By don_T

Guest Lecture - hazelh

Short day at work today, left at 3:00, after a brief lunch break with my sweetie. Lovely unseasonably balmy 35 minute walk to the university campus hazelh was speaking at today. 100 metres from my destination my favorite chocolate company was handing out free samples; I was able snag 2 - 1 for me immediately and one to save for the special guest lecturer post presentation. I found the lecture material fascinating and learned alot (although occasionally was a bit lost). The sidewalk chocolateers greated me again upon exiting the building! Brisk walk back to the train station for a respite of sushi before boarding the train home. We needed to be very efficient with our time once at home as the 3 of us are thoroughly hooked on a new show we are semi-bingewatching. We saw 2 episodes last night and need to do 2 each evening until our cousin slips out for a 3 day conference. Season one requires completion by late Saturday night....we are on a mission "start the popcorn!!!"

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