
By Artminx


This was the most productive day in quite some time. It started with discussions about potential redundancy plans (day job) due to the pressures our lovely NHS is under which then surprisingly, following a team meeting, changed into me possibly taking on the largest project I have  worked on in some time. It's still only a possibility but we are moving forward with it and that is really rather exciting.

Came home to have a lovely chat with my mum and then after a bit of running around after my daughter (and her friend's daft run away dog) I finally settled down to draw.

I took this photo after sorting all the pens and pencils into order, this won't last long but it felt good to have them all sharpened and ready for use. I almost finished two pet portraits (after a couple of hours work) and then I created outlines for two more plus a home portrait. Once those are complete my order book will be empty, which like these ordered pencils, feels really good. 

S x 

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