Sabre Toothed Marauders!

This is the third time that we have planted out Mesembryanthemums, Livingstone Daisies, and every time the damn slugs or birds have snaffled them! And it's not just them - they've attacked the cabbages and peas too!

This is definitely not slug damage, unless they have grown fangs, or have started carrying around little saws. The garden is full, and I mean full, of sparrows. Flocks of the things are nesting in the hedge at the bottom of the back garden, and damn it, we have encouraged them by the provision of half a dozen nest boxes! I have polythene bags fluttering, and am doing my best to frighten them away, but as I am putting out seed, peanuts and fat balls perhaps they are getting mixed messages!

Apart from the pests in the garden, I also had some more welcome visitors today - Lord and Lady Findhorn! So great to see them, we had a lovely time and had a good fun chat too. They are such easy company, I will miss them when they go back south.

And thanks for all the kind concern about Ollie's paw. He's a lot better now the pain killers have kicked in!

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