Need more sleep....

Gollum don't do long boring days well...

Well that's not true... He is rather good at long boring days... He is just not good at sleeping at night after a long boring day!

I really did what I could to make sure yesterday was not too bad for the boys. They had fun by the lake in the morning, a loooooooooong walk in the afternoon and another walk at 10 pm.

I had a nice Gollum cuddle, when we came home and went to bed at midnight. 

At 2 am Gollum started playing in his puppy pen. He did not stop again until I got up at 6 am. He was being very good actually - no moaning about being in his puppy pen. He was just playing nicely. The only problem was that everything he did was so noisy!

He ran through his play-tunnel, oink'ed with his squeaky pig, knocked his balls into the metal puppy pen etc. There was no way I could sleep through this.

I couldn't be cross with him though - he is only a baby. Not even 6 mth old yet. He can't sleep all day and again all night. But ohhhh I was tired, when I had to get up this morning.

Today has been a better day for Gollum and the other boys. A lovely walk, lots of play time, Gollum met Scones the Guinea Pig and he has been having fun in the garden.

Hopefully he will sleep better tonight - I sure hope I will ;-)

Happy weekend
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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