Grasping The Thistle

Today was definitely a day for confronting problems. I'll spare you most of the medical details but a lot was achieved, not least that I'm up and walking a little, and I'm free of the sciatica. All that remains is a little numbness in two toes (and the surgical back pain). This means the discectomy was successful and my consultant was pretty much dancing for joy!
Progress was not without drama however as the first time I got up I fainted due to sudden low blood pressure. I woke up four mins later to a room full of people and an oxygen mask. I'm fine now though and very much encouraged by all your good wishes.

Peter's flower bouquet provided a suitable Eryngium for Flower Friday and here's my contribution to Philosophy Friday: not an official blip competition but if it's popular perhaps it might become one?

All problems become smaller if you don't dodge them, but confront them. Touch a thistle timidly and it pricks you. Grasp it boldly and it's spine crumbles.
(William S Halsey - Fleet Admiral American Navy).

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