Newspaper Blackout

At our last Creative Photography Group we were told that we would be looking at a book called “How to Steal Like an Artist (10 things nobody told you about being creative)” by Austin Kleon. I thought I’d buy it and take a look at it in advance of our next meeting. I do a lot of “stealing” of ideas in my blipping so I thought it would be interesting for me personally. I read it quite quickly this morning and enjoyed it. It was interesting. Maybe it’s of more interest for younger people starting out in creative careers but as I’m just starting to try to be more creative in my retirement I could identify with a lot of what he said.

Austin Kleon has also written a book called “Newspaper Blackout” which contains poems created by blacking out text in newspaper articles leaving words that form a poem. 

I thought I would do what Kleon suggests in the book I read this morning. I stole this idea from his other book and blipped my first attempt. I ended up with three ‘poems’ (this might be a bit of a grand term for my efforts) but I liked this one best. I’ll save the others for another day. 

The articles I started with were in the Saturday Guardian Arts Review section so Igor suggested this might have made it a bit easier for me because of the nature of the articles and because they are often written by other writers. He’s challenged me to do one using the Sport section………. watch this space.

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