Work in Progress

What a crazy weekend, so far!   Al took our daughter to an awards banquet last night as her husband is racing his mountain bike far north of us, and I got to spend a very happy evening and sleepover with her children!

We were so busy all day I didn't take any photos at all.....Sanibel designed a knit "quilt" that she wanted me to make, with each square a different color with a specific meaning for her.  

 Al and Becky rigged a contraption to get our pontoon out of the lake, and all of us got to help accomplish that autumn task!

I finished the little quilt and she took it happily home at the end of our day-long adventure, so now the house is quiet again, and I'm wondering if I have any energy left to work on this painting....

The photo was taken by my cousin, and is a place that has special meaning to everyone in our family...a farm pond that has seen everything from wedding receptions, camp-outs, family reunions and graduation parties.   It's a place dear to all of us, and this painting will be for her daughter.   The only problem is, I use she won't have it for a very long while!!!

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