And now for something completely different!

We're continuing with the clear-out ahead of moving and I can't believe the amount of stuff that I've kept, from albums of motor racing pictures from my teenage years, through boxes of test tubes and other chemistry apparatus, to leaflets on every place and subject known to man! 

Bags of fossils, bags of conifer cones, bags of old camping gear, bags of everything! This item is one that I will be keeping. It's a discarded goat muzzle, picked up somewhere in up-country Nepal back in 1990. It's made of split bamboo and presumably had a pretty short life.

When we left Nepal and the customs guy was going through our baggage he found this, and waved it about with great amusement in front of his colleagues! I refused to be humiliated and brought it home!

The location shown is roughly where I found it, not where it is now!

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