Leaving Dundee

My how it pours.

The Scots certainly know how to throw a party. They also endure the wet with stoicism and humour.

The Journey back was 10 hours, each train slower than the outward journey, each break longer.

On the last 'leg', Peterborough to Norwich, The train decided to stop at stations it wasn't schedule for [?] We picked up a bunch of youngsters heading for partytime in Norwich, dressed inappropriately and already 'Happy' with their carry-ons. They filled the carriage and in a good-natured way they tried to shock the old man [Me] trying to read his book. They tried to outdo each other with tales of sex and vomiting. They abused each other in banterous outrage after outrage.

We arrived 25 minutes late and off they streamed, some even waved goodbye and left me to find my love and my lift home.

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