Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

First time...

for everything.

Today I was disqualified from the Medal comp.  Why?  At the moment, to save the T boxes from excessive wear and tear, on a Medal comp, instead of playing from 'the plates' we play from 'the balls' , so long as both are on the same T box.  On the 6th and 15th Ladies T they are not, I should have played from the 'plates' on these 2 holes.  I completely forgot the rule, even the head green keeper, who was in our 4 ball didn't say anything. The because the Captain was playing behind us, and he noticed my error, so when we got back into the Club house he informed me of my D'q. 

As it turned out, it wasn't any great disaster, as I had an awful card, no chance of being in the top 4.  So a lesson learned, there were 5 of us D'qd, not sure what the others did to deserve theirs.

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