
Pirates are inextricably linked to Bristol. The pub, the Llandoger Trow is linked to Alexander Selkirk, the inspiration for Robinson Crusoe and also inspiration for Ben Gunn in Treasure Island. When Selkirk was rescued he was taken back to Bristol and probably enjoyed a pint or two in the dockside pubs.

He would have a shock now if he went there on a Friday night. More depraved and debauched and violent than in his time!

This image is on a telephone box I walk by every day on the way to work.

The film was released months ago.

I think Aardman's work is great but it's time for a change on the phone box.

In fact, you could argue that there's no need for the phone box. I have rarely seen anyone using it and I've been using this same route for nearly 10 years, which asks other questions in itself!

This is one of those weeks!

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