investigations of a dag

By kasty

Road trip

Misty Glencoe. Me and sheen machine heading up to Hebrides. At fort William for a wee wee wee stop and to load up on groceries for the holiday house.

Unwisely my holiday head kicked in a bit prematurely last night and I ended up dragging myself back from Anna and Gary's leaving do at 2am. Woke this morning at 4:30am to find someone had packed my backs and made sandwiches for the journey but also that my head was replaced by a falling anvil. No idea what I packed... Hope the running shoes are in there. We hit the road at 6am.. Sheesh...

Half the fun is the beautiful drive up chatting with sheen and playing martyn Bennett at ear splitting volumes as we weave around green hills and white rolling mists. Rainy but all the more unique Scottish hills. Off for more coffee.

Blips and comments may be a bit sporadic for a few days - happy holiday all

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