at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Just played too hard

Briar fell asleep mid being played with in ivys room. We were all hanging out up there because granny grant sent ivy a box of crafty bits including some cardboard tubes and pom poms, so ivy and I built a pom pom run by taping tubes too her bed. Ivy practised the skill of putting one thing away before she could have the next. I even trusted ivy to stay and read to briar whilst u had to go and repass willows tube- which was particularly difficult today as I just did it yesterday and willow remembered instantly what was happening and screamed.

Euan had to take willow to a genetic appointment this afternoon, we're were bracing ourselves for bad news- but was just a check up. Her gene sequencing hasn't thrown up any concerns.

Ivy and I 'baked' a raw bannana, peanut and chocolate flan. The chocolate element was coconut oil and cocoa powder. Ivy totally didn't boric the lack of sugar, but the lower melting point meant she got incredibly mucky.

Willow was In such a good mood when she was reunited with her sisters. She laughed herself out of breath at ivy saying 'bum' in the bath!

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