Patrea's Pics

By Patrea

The mystery of the lost passports

'M' is packing for an early flight to NZ. Its his mums 102nd birthday. He can't find his passport and then we realise mine is missing too. We turned the house upside down and inside out....nothing. In desperation I drove in to work to check my office. I remembered that we had to send details off for a visa application.....nothing. I then checked back through emails. Surely we didn't send them away. I would remember that. Then I find an email from me to 'M' asking him to scan them. Rushed home and there they were in the scanner. They have been there since September!!
Phew. Now hes chuckling saying how funny is that. He has to stop doing things like this to me. I will die of stress. So todays blip is of said passport

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