
By Croft16

She sells..

..Got some work done today.
After getting G up for her lift to KLB and the Yoga class, I then had to rush getting invoices printed, paying G's expenses, and getting a cheque ready for posting to the bank, before going out myself to the Dr's. Just a check on BP after a high reading last week, and an appointment with the nurse to get my ears syringed. You can't believe how much better they feel now!!

Then out with Tanns, down the croft with ATV and trailer. Started by picking a trailer load of stones from the surface. I know when I plough next year, I'll get just as many stones again, but if I keep at it, eventually they'll get fewer. The stones go to build up a track on A's croft. Then weeded a bed, getting another trailer load for the compost heap. And then down to the beach to get seaweed. Got 5 or 6 loads before the tide came in and stopped me. Now got a good half of the patch covered with a 3-4 inch layer. This will break down over winter, get washed in, and pulled in by the worms, before ploughing in the spring..

Just getting dark as I got back to the house, and was shattered, been busy..

So it's a still life again. Seashells we have gathered over the years. They're kept in little glass jars with cork tops, and I've varnished most to keep that "still wet" look.. The ones in the centre are North Atlantic Cowries. We find them on the beach here in Scourie, but have to search for them. The little sea urchin shells are about a cm across..

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