Sports Day

Sports Day at Alf's school today... Due to a cock up with the timetable the events that Alf was due to complete in did not happen. The school have said they are going to continue sports day tomorrow, we were told as school finished. That is so handy for Parents who like me took time out to support their children. Still, I got to cheer him cheering for his team.. All he has done today is stand about in a gazebo watching other people... He could do that here!

We are told that it is not the winning that is important, it is the taking part... Shame he got no chance of either.

I complained to the Headteacher, who apologised and said it was because they held sports day with the Infants School, which is fair enough but they have had all day on this, I suspect much bigger schools manage it.

The Headteacher then quite rightly said I can attend tomorrow and support Alf then.. which will be fine if I have nothing booked for tomorrow! Maybe I should bill them for half a day.....

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