
By Maisiebeth


Trying to analyse the quirk in my personality that makes me want to head to the beach as soon as the weather gets atrocious!
I have come up with a couple of theories. Firstly, that when the weather is bad, there are a lot less people around, and I am generally a very unsociable person. Secondly, there is something quite heroic about battling the elements, wearing enough layers to resemble a blue Michelin Lady. Thirdly, its something I would never have done 2 years ago, so all part of the brand new dynamic me!
Anyway, whatever the reason, found myself headed towards Llandudno. As coasts and beaches go this is quite safe, sea one side, town the other. But its pretty, the sea was wild, the pier was looking particularly photogenic and there just happens to be a Starbucks too. What more could a girl want!
Dramatic and Dangerous Places to Photograph for the Terminally Unfit and Navigationally Challenged

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