Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

fun day..........

yes it was. have had a great time with baby McD today.
first she gave me a hand to wash the car!! for some reason she loves helping with that. i put it down to getting to play with water and the hose and also trying to soak me with it (i suspect i should never have taught her that trick but what the hell, it's all in good fun).
then off down to starbucks. again she loves coming down and having a coffee with me (fruit juice for her) or on the odd occasion a babyccino, which is just steamed up soya milk. also the female staff in there make a fuss over her, not that she loves the attention or anything ;o) then off to the park to feed the ducks which is always good fun(i get a blip out of it too). not sure i have the energy to keep up with her these days and i suspect there may be a bit of cheating going on when we play hide and seek.............from her not me!
now i am quickly trying to post this as i have just cooked dinner and i want to get it before it gets cold.

oh and baby McD got to pick today's post.
alternate shot for today

will comment later,
cheers folks.............

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