About time

I've been bereft this week. My watch broke on Sunday afternoon, and since then I've been struggling to get anywhere on time. Mobile phones are a substitute for many things - alarm clock, book, mindless amusement when too tired to think of anything else, diary, walkman, etc. etc. - but they are not an adequate substitute for a wristwatch. For example, when I'm cycling up Leith Walk in the mornings, do I have time to stop if I see something interesting and I think could get a blip. A quick glance at the watch will tell me yes or no. If I had time to stop, get my phone out of my pannier and look at it I'd have time to stop and take a photo... So I have to plough on as quickly as I can and forego the photo opp.

The new one arrived yesterday afternoon, so when we got back last night I quickly broke open the packaging and was very pleased with what I saw. And on a quiet day at home catching up on various things, it offers an obvious blip. And I'm happy sitting here and occasionally glancing down at its lovely shiny face.

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