Chaos On The Cam.

The Cambridge University rowing chiefs have apologised for the disruption on the river as the teams practice for their competitions. The houseboat dwellers are woken up early by the use of 'ear blasting' megaphones used by the coxes giving instructions and causing chaotic traffic jams on the river. It has been suggested they find somewhere further up the river to practise or that the colleges build a lake somewhere ! Today there was a special event with many onlookers. I must say that the rowers have been using the river long before the houseboats arrived, mooring nose to tail and leaving hardly room for the boats to pass, or the fishermen to cast their lines. Also it is not every day and although this is a wider stretch of water, they seem to be heading mainly towards the city where all the boathouses are. I love watching them. Pity it was a cold dull day with rain arriving later, otherwise I would have stayed to cheer them on.

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