Molly on the trolley

Today's the day ..................... to endure

We're in Edinburgh for a few days - and so we thought we would take advantage of this to visit that well-known Swedish furniture superstore.

Now - any time we have been there in the past, it has been  an exhausting experience.  Any visit seems to take several hours - mainly because they make you walk several miles inside the vast warehouse before they let you out again.  At every turn you get waylaid, attracted by something that you really don't need and certainly did not come in for.  Today we were looking at wardrobes.  Will thought he would by-pass a few sections of the store and so he boldly went in through the 'out' door.  I can only say that this cunning plan didn't work - and we were indeed in there for hours before we managed to limp out with our goods.

The whole experience was summed up by young Molly who had re-arranged her family's purchases into a bed and just got wheeled through the checkout.  What a good idea ........................  

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