
By Cheldon

Sad times!

Photos express a lot about a person behind the camera and in front. They give us a glimpse into that second of someone's or something's life and it's actually quite magical.

I have lots of back blips to put up, but found no energy today. My eyes were glue to BBC news at 2am, 4am and then 9 onwards for the majority of my day. Having stayed in the area a few years a go with two friends and knowing my parents were there in the stadium and exploring Paris in August it just makes it a little more real and closer to home. I love Paris as a city and it's so sad to watch the streets you've walked down turn into something so unreal.

Have been thinking of everyone in Paris and France today and also from all over the world. French wanting to get home, things happening in Syria and Lebanon. Just so sad that it's mainly innocent civilians getting caught up on this awful war.

I hadn't intending on writing much but there you go. The picture was a snapshot into my day- my head been with Paris a lot today!!

#Paris #prayforpeace xxx

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