2 Years

Well thats me completed two years of Blipping. How time flies!

I did treat myself today; went ahead and bought the 24-105 lens. So tonight I made doubly sure i got out blipping to try it out. It's a stonker! Immediately noticed the difference using it as well as the sharpness of the shots (and colour/clarity) compared to the 18-200 which will be heading to ebay tomorrow. Tried out the 70-300 but it was way too heavy for a walkabout lens and made my camera feel totally unbalanced.

Of course my shot tonight had to be of the River Tay, as its been a constant goto when in need of a blip over the last two years.

As is customary on here on blipdays, thanks go out to the bearded inventor of this great site, and to all those who pop past and read my daily drivel and comment on my random shots. Thankyou for all your comments, favourites and subscriptions, and sorry I dont return the comments as often as i should. Theres never enough time in the day for me at the moment.



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