Little Miss Summery

Our cousins spent the day at our place today in case their parents had to clean up their former house before putting it on sale. It's Neea in the image, by the way.

A wild tenosynovitis appeared in my left wrist and I was given a few days of sick leave halfway the workday today. Honestly, this wrist of mine is being pretty sore right now as the creeping ache at last bursted into fire, making it painful to lift, carry or push anything heavier than a few kilos.

Seriously, being unable to handle heavy stuff like boxes full of post and big packets is rather a bad thing in the regional post office, where I'm currently working at. Lovely that I'm having only two days of work left there, and next week I'll start at the same saw I worked at last year. However, I'm currently hoping this annoying ache could get away and soon, and I'd get my full powers back, though I got my sick leave and all.

At any rate, back in the world of theatre: today we've come to a point where we've gone through 7/10 of our theatre performances for this summer. Today's performance was such okay in comparison to yesterday's, where we had a jolly good crowd watching us. Of course, there are parameters like the crowd itself, the weather (for the sake of summer theatre, which is acted outdoors!), the actors' mood and so on, which impact on the final result. But we've done at least well every time this year and on Sunday we'll be certainly blowing up the final performance! ;-)

Tomorrow a few actors (including me) will appear dressed in our costumes in the town centre at the big Town Square in case of celebrating its 120 years of history. Sounds like a great job to me.

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