The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Wet, wet, wet, wet, wet .....

I have been staying with my sister - and was woken this morning at 1.30 am by a persistent drip, drip, drip ...

There was a torrential rain storm raging outside and the water had somehow found its way through to the lintel over the window. The windowsill was awash, the carpet sodden and the duvet very damp from the splashing. So in the middle of the night I was mopping up and finding various buckets and bowls to collect the drips.

They knew there was a little bit of a leak - but it's clearly developed quite a lot recently!

In the morning off I went to my rehearsal .. the roads were severely flooded all the way from my sister's into Leeds. I didn't really have time for photography - but this is just a record shot of the view from the petrol station I stopped at en route. The row of trees is the edge of the river ..  and the lakes are playing fields ..

Concert and rehearsal both went very well and now I'm home with the foxes, where I have managed to outfox three foxes in order to give Jack his meds - hooray!

Jack seems a little perkier - running towards the house when I called and interacting more with the others :)

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