
By AnyOldIron

Mass Obs

I'm determined today that I'm finally going to catch up with my directives for the Mass Observation project.

I'm still on the Summer one -what advice would you give your 16 year old self?

I've discarded a lot of stuff - don't get that perm, don't decide that your favourite soap is going to be Eldorado and for God's sake don't go out with that boy from down the road because he asks and no one else ever has.

I've been pondering the big bad stuff too and come to the conclusion that I want to keep the girl in the dark. Mistakes and bad times have to happen so that we can appreciate the diamond moments glittering in the dirt when we find them.

So sorry kid, it's a rocky road from there to here and I'm not handing out spoilers. Just one thing though - you think you're nothing and nobody but you're not. You're strong and there's nothing that can be thrown at you that you can't handle.

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