It's Christmas!!!

Said the cactus.

Have been out the house all day, helping D&G (Not Dolce & Gabbana) with the Friesians. Quite a lot achieved: Ruby had the harness on, walked out in it and coped very well in the strong winds. Nettie had first a bridle on and then a saddle and barely batted an eyelid. Willy stood strong whilst a plastic bag was rustled all over and around him. Rosie was tacked up and led out, me aboard and Debby on the ground leading...A bit alert in the strong wind but all good training. Finally, Me & Debby took Mercy & Maggie out for a quick spin with 4 dogs in tow. The dogs were a bit high but the horses as settled as ever. Even in 50mph hail, bless 'em.

Seems me & Gorgeous both had the same idea this afternoon and both arrived home with a bottle of red...Will there be ANY red left in the house tomorrow...that is the question!

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