
No, you don't understand... I'm not homeless! Well, strictly speaking, I am homeless but...

Look, let me explain... Four years ago, I came into money. A lot of money. And I thought "I can live anywhere I want - anywhere at all!" Which is quite a frightening thought - I mean, where should I live. I decided to travel around for a while - like window shopping, I guess. But, after a year, I'd seen a lot of great places but I hadn't found anywhere that felt like, you know, forever! I was enjoying the travelling, though. The idea of trying to find the perfect place had just become an excuse. And, when you are rich, when you are really, properly, stinkingly rich, you just don't need excuses. I like travelling. And so that's what I do. I'm not travelling between any particular destinations, I'm just travelling. I mean, I'll stop in a good hotel for a few days if I feel like it, but I'll spend the night sleeping on a train to Darlington or Mumbai if I feel like that.

Bottom line, why should I settle on living anywhere in the world when I can live everywhere?

P.S. I need more hours in the day. I took this yesterday (Sunday) at 9:00 PM and I'm finally posting it at 10:20 on Monday evening. Basically, I've drifted to being a day behind!

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