The Collector

not to be confused with the 2009 horror film of the same name. When I do pass this house & look into its garden it is a bit of a horror.

Took this on my walkabout today. I was a bit achy again today so I confined my walk to the 2 ends of the Dene only. 1st I walked up to the top where I met Mr P (who recently lost his wife). He was going down the town with his dog to buy some new knitting needles as he hadn't got the right size for some scarves he was going to knit for relatives for Christmas. On the way back I saw Mr F who was just going up the woods with his young Alsatian. He is our Neighbourhood Watch man & does a great job. As we were stood there talking & looking down the road a fox appeared from N & D's garden & crossed the road & jumped a wall into a neighbour's garden. We were surprised to see it at 1030 in the morning, but I guess urban foxes have to make a living at all times of the day. Ron & I parted company & I galloped off down to the main road before U turning and arriving back home for a cuppa.

Merlot was waiting for me having had a morning snooze on the bed, wanting to go out. I told him to watch out as Mr Fox was around he said he would be careful & reminded me that there are plenty of trees that he can climb if danger appears.

Another mild morning - very wet underfoot & the promise of a storm later on in the day with possible structural damage, so there is something to look forward to.

C is at beading & then we have a shopping delivery coming later on.

Happy Tuesday

PS it was 4 weeks ago yesterday that I had my op.

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