Sneaky Peek

By SneakyPeek

Choose Life!

Today's image is of one of the many "I Love Leith" banners situated on Leith Walk. As seems to be my want at the moment, I took this one depicting Irvine Welsh from the top deck of the bus this morning.

I'm a Leither born and bred and immensely proud of my heritage. I'm also a big Irvine Welsh fan (Trainspotting will forever remain one of my favourite books) so this image is like a "buy one, get one free" for me. I also loved the movie and, if you've ever seen it, you may or may not remember the scene on Leith Links in which Renton shoots a dog with an air rifle which, in turn, starts to attack it's owner (I am not condoning this behaviour by the way but it was very funny) well here's the line from the film that is forever stuck in my head. It's my very best Sean Connery impersonation and I hope you enjoy it.

Here's Born Slippy for you all (an epic tune) and here's the intro to Trainspotting.

Remember folks, always choose life!

Choose Life - Saving Lives

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