
By Leau


Went to a job interview today.. and passed this tiled painting which looks like Mucha to me.. for some reason his style always jumps out to me, I love it :) Would like to have something like this near my door :) Art nouveau/jugendstiel is a movement I would have loved to have experienced for myself

The flowers I've been wanting to blip keep on being put to the side for something else. sorry flowers .. Today, my Dalia's (don't know if it's the same in english) opened.. quite early since they normally open juli/august.. oh well, now I get to look at them now! - maybe tomorrow :)

I kept my promiss! and updated every forgotten/neglected picture I took for blipfoto.. hold on to your horses here they come!
May 19th, 21st, 22th, 24th. June 1th,( sorry about the upload, it's a fault in the datatransfer I guess) 3th, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 14th, 15th, 16th (repost), 23th and 24th!

Sorry it took so long!

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