Smile for the Camera

Even the satellite dish had a smile on its face this morning in the sunshine, but if we are to believe anything the weather man says, that smile may be frozen on, tomorrow.
Hey ho, it looks like it could be a rerun of the freezing winter of a few years ago. You see I can't remember the year but I do remember the end of November snow.

However it hasn't arrived yet, and His Lordship and I sauntered forth to do a spot of food shopping at Lidl. HL has finally decided it is actually a lot cheaper there, with the price of the champagne being the deciding factor. He is a man who believes in stocking up early for Christmas.

How easily forgotten was the swearing on the Bible that he was never ever going to food shop with me again. It just goes to show how champagne can win over the most ardent oath taker.
More to the point, we managed to accomplish the task in good humour and arrived home together. Progress.

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