
By DramaQueen

Happy days

Today has been strange but lovely.

I had my op this afternoon which was awful but in the grand scheme of things it's done & dusted and doesn't deserve any more thought.

I decided to treat myself to a pre op sandwich and met a lovely man who was collecting for charity and giving away free hugs with every donation. He was such a cheery soul and everyone in the queue accepted the free hug. It was heartwarming to see a little old lady engulfed in this guys arms! If I'd been feeling braver I would have asked for a photo and he would have been today's blip! Maybe if he's there tomorrow....?!

On returning home, my AWOL exam results had arrived with a glorious PASS, and further good news that my skills assessment is now being processed.

My work 'roomie' decided in my absence to change the wallpaper on the surgery monitor. I rather liked the scenic view I had before, but I like the fact this was done to lift my spirits and the little creatures look to be very happy together 'sharing the love'.

If you could see inside my head today it would look a lot like this. Happy drama queen :-)

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