Moments in time

By Ali_tkdgirl


Firstly, thank you all for the lovely comments and stars on yesterday's blip, sorry I haven't replied to each one, it's been a bit manic here, work wise. I'll try and catch up over the weekend.

It was another long day at work today, I was in early again, we were due to have our broadband upgraded to fibre, and as usual, the men turned up right at the end of the time slot, so I was in early for nothing! But now we have super fast broadband at work, and it is really good. But after an hour being offline why it all got swapped over there was a lot of catching up to do. 

It left me with not much time for a blip, but I tried my flash in the dark trick with some heather in the garden. Luckily the rain has stopped now.

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