Hector's House

By MisterPrime

Library Roses

Not ventured very far afield today, since I was working at Woodthorpe Library again which is literally round the corner from home. Heather, who normally runs things there, is on holiday so I've been standing in this week. It's a pretty sleepy venue, generally, which is good as it's been a bit of a mad week what with both offspring preparing for camping trips (eldest has his D of E Silver expedition up in Derbyshire this weekend and youngest is sleeping in a box in Wollaton Park with Guides tonight to raise awareness for homeless charities), thunderstorms, the Olympic torch and it's attendant traffic problems, further trips up north (Worksop this time) for Library stuff, punk rock (saw Keith Morris' new band OFF! At Rock City on Tuesday night which was pretty cool, but I can't be bothered to tell you about it as I've already written a review for my friend Punk Dave's fanzine...), overtime and general household chaos. As a creature of habit it's all a little disconcerting. This is probably why my blips have been of a somewhat quiet comforting nature for the last few days (for me, at least.) So here are some rather vibrant roses that grow against the library wall - I've taken their photo before and not used it for some reason but I liked the light today (and the colour is nice against the whitewashed wall, I think.) Plus we'll be taking advantage of our temporary childlessness tonight to go out for a nice meal which will no doubt help to restore my natural balance!

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