Trouble Maker

Dropped the small 2 off bright and early to get into college on time for a cover tutor. Only to find the same pillock we had last week, still refusing to teach.

Home via Mike's for a coffee and Lidl, a quick lunch, an email to college (hence the trouble maker title) and some home study. Texts flew in to let me know our Budgeting results were in - very happy to be competent!

Collected the children for our 5/6 family dental appointment. All good except Princess - she has 1 bad baby tooth that the dentist doesn't want to remove just yet so is putting her on a short course of antibiotics to try and settle it until it falls out naturally.

Onto Great Shakes for their reward for behaving well, then Clarks to get new school shoes for Princess and Smallest as theirs had both worn through the soles! Boots for the prescription and Prezzo for tea!

Home for a quick turnaround and to throw left over pizza at MrRoly before heading out to see Sean Lock at the Princess Pavilions.

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