
By tepeka

An odd night...

Off to the SSE Arena this evening with Mme Tepeka to see U2 play the second of their Belfast gigs. And a strange, patchy concert it was too.

Bits of it were extremely impressive, such as the amazing, massive, see-through video screen. And some of the music was very, very good too.

But large chunks of the gig were just a bit dull. Bono was as preachy and self-indulgent as ever, but you expect that. Tonight, his voice sounded a bit ropey, though, which was unusual.

I like U2, but on the strength of tonight's performance, I'm not sure I'd be rushing back to see them again. Oh, and I wasn't prepared for just how middle-aged the audience would (or how well we fitted the demographic). Damn, but we're getting old...

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